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Terms of use, privacy policy and cookies policy

Terms of use for Holly May Artistry website

By accessing our website, you agree to the following terms.

We (Holly May Artistry) own, or have the legal right to use, all the intellectual property in the website.
That is, in the design, graphics, text, functionality and features. Intellectual property includes, for example, trademarks and copyright.
You can access, copy or download parts of the content when finding out about our training and other services. But you mustn’t use the content for commercial purposes.

If you link to a third-party website that we recommend, we won’t be responsible for any loss or damage you might suffer.
You could suffer loss or damage, for example, when you rely on the third party’s content, or when you buy goods or services through their website. Please always check that the site is secure before clicking on it, and that you are happy with its terms of use and its privacy policy.

These terms are governed by English law and will be construed in accordance with it
You also agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts if a dispute arises between us.

We may change these terms at any time and if you continue using the site, the new terms will apply to you
We won’t tell you about minor changes. But we’ll let you know on the website if we intend to change anything materially.

Privacy policy for Holly May Artistry regarding

What information do we collect (the ‘Information’)?
We collect the information on the contact form only so we can deal with your enquiry and later provide services to you.

We also collect information that your browser sends whenever you visit our site, such as your computer’s Internet Protocol (IP) address, what pages you’ve visited on our site and when. It is possible for you to be identified indirectly as the IP owner if the computer is registered in your name.

Who will we disclose the information to, and why?
We won’t disclose or allow access to the information other than to people who carry out services on our behalf, such as the following, and then only on a need-to-know basis:

  • trainers in connection with possible training for you
  • website designers while providing design services and dealing with security issues
  • website and email hosts so they can provide support services, including relating to security
  • data analysts who look at browser information so they can help us understand and improve our services

All the above are subject to or have agreed to observe EU regulations on data protection. And all have, or will have agreed before our disclosure to them, to use the information only to the extent that they need it in order to carry out the services agreed with us.
We may also disclose the information if the law or a court requires us to do it.

How will we keep your information secure?
We’ll keep the information secure, including through SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encryption. Unfortunately, we can’t guarantee 100% security as this isn’t possible for internet transmission and electronic storage.

For how long will we keep it?
We’ll keep your information for as long as is reasonable for the purposes for which we receive it, or for longer if required by law or by a court.

We use cookies on our website
You can’t be identified directly from them. See our cookie policy below.

Contact us on the numbers and at the email address shown on our website if you have any questions or issues relating to the privacy of your information.

Cookies and how we use them for

See below for more about what they are and how we use them.

What are they?
They’re small text files (numbers and letters) that are downloaded onto a website user’s hard drive. They’re not programs and are not dangerous.  Cookies are widely used to make websites work more efficiently and to provide information to the website owner. You can’t be identified directly from cookies.

Can you choose to accept or reject our use of cookies?
Yes. If you choose ‘reject’, you may not be able to access all or part of our site. And if you choose ‘accept’, you can change your mind later by blocking and deleting the cookies through your web browser.

We recommend that you visit for more plain language information about what cookies are and how to delete and control them.

What cookies do we use and what for?
Most cookies come directly from our site and, again, most help with site function. Others are from third parties who help us analyse, anonymously, how users use our website.

Essential and session cookies

Without these you won’t be able to use all or parts of our website. We use them to keep your visit going and to prevent security threats. Some may also allow you to log-in to a client account if we have a client area.

Preference cookies
These store your settings and browser preferences to help your next visit to our website.

Traffic log cookies
They help us identify and analyse data about website traffic to the pages on our website to help us improve users’ experience on our website. We use this information only for statistical analysis purposes and then the data is removed from the system.

Google Analytics 
These collect information about how visitors use our website. We use the information in reports and to help us improve the website and website experience. The cookies collect information in a way that doesn’t directly identify you.

What about links to media sites and external web services?

We may use ‘social buttons’ on our site to take you to media sites, for example, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. We’re not responsible for media websites. You should check their respective privacy and cookie policies.

We may also use external web services on our website, mostly to display content within our web pages. For example, to SlideShare, YouTube and Vimeo.
As with the media websites, we can’t prevent these, or external domains, from collecting information on your use of their content embedded on our site. If you’re not logged in to these external services, they won’t know who you are but are likely to gather anonymous usage information for example on number of views, plays and loads.